Originally posted by Holo
Superficial? If you had a choice of putting up a known thief or a child molester in your home and yes, you must choose, which one would you pick?
Actually that is the flaw in the thief's logic. I DO NOT have to put up a thief OR a child molester. I could make a simple stupid comparison to try and prove a point but that does not mean it is realistic.
Originally posted by Holo
The answer is obvious, especially if you're a parent. I see a lot of this Mp3 dlers=child molesters in these debates and it is annoying. There is no comparison to those ppl....just because their reasoning sounds similar to a dler of child porn doesn't give licence to lump them into a child molester's category and win by Argument from Intimidation. The two are mutually exclusive.
Please tell me how they are mutually exclusive? Are you saying that no child pornographers download MP3's?
Originally posted by Holo
You cannot tarnish the reputation of a filesharer by associating them with something totally different.
It is not totally different. The illegal MP3 is a file and so is the illegal child porn, the rationalization of both groups to justify their crimes is the same. Morally the people are the same.
Originally posted by Holo
As far as P2P is concerned the next generation of cloaked P2Ps are already being developed,with encryption for all files such as Nullsoft's WASTE and Blubster already exist out there as well as Freenet, and eventually every P2P will have this encryption, making it impossible to monitor what it being sent. Blubster and Freenet bounces the requests off several servents and packets sent across several nodes so no one ever has a complete file at any time.
Eventually I think more online "pirate" communities will be formed
out of small groups of ppl who trust one another and are very secretive about personal info and sharing with n00bs. This is already happening in a few places I've seen and the more they push the more it will go to this kind of underground communities. It won't be the field day Napster was but anyone who knows what they are doing behind a keyboard will still be able to dl whatever they want.
This will make the prosecutions bigger and more spectacular. Add some RICO charges in there as well!