1)People like me get angry with RIAA and buy from independent labels. [ check ]
2)CD sales will begin dropping. [ check ]
3)Some random RIAA upper-level employee will be sitting in his/her office, when suddenly a ceiling tile drops on their head. A profound thought enters their mind! "Perhaps there is gravity after all!" Er... I mean "Hey we're losing sales because we are such assholes, not because of the file sharing!" [ check? ]
4)The US Gov't will see that RIAA is using the legal system in vain, and reconsider the copyright law. [ ]
5)Eventually the law will gravitate towards a system similar to Canada's copyright law. [ ]
6)Sales dropping even faster will force RIAA to reconsider their stance, and accept that not all people who listen to music are paying for it, just like with Adobe Photoshop and Windows XP. [ ]
7)Hell freezes over. Satan admitted to ER with severe frostbite and pneumonia. Currently recovering in stable conditions. [ ]
8)Flying pigs plague parts of Europe and Eastern Russia. One disgruntled commuter complains "Its one thing to clean up bug goo off the windshield, but these bloody pigs make quite a mess!" [ ]
You do not use a Macintosh, instead you use a Tandy
Kompressor break your glowstick, Kompressor eat your candy
Kompressor open jaws, Kompressor release ants
Kompressor watch you scream, Because Kompressor does not dance