Arent we projecting our values onto someone else? The only person who they need to justify suicide to is themselves. It is their life. It is their choice what they do with it.Im sure it many would consider it immoral to go up to someone and say "Your going to work in a factory for the rest of your life". Everyone would say to fuck off and that they will make of their life what they want. Why is it any different with suicide. They are the ones who have to live with the suffereing. And thats what it is "Suffering". They have to cope with it every minute of every day, You can walk away from them when they give you the shits. They have no such option. They cant escape their self loathing.No one commits suicide as a get out of gaol free card. Suicide is seen as the only escape from the unrelenting suffereing. We also need to clarrify that feeling a little down today doesnt constitute depression. It is like walking into work with a headache and saying you have cancer. Depression is a disease. A disease which doesnt go away. Medication can help some people but often that medication is sketchy at best. This myth that people commit suicide as a permanent solution to a temporary problem shows that you dont understand. People who succeed at comitting suicide usually attempt it numerous times over an extended period of time. There are warning signs which are unconcious calls of help from the person. Previous unsuccessfull attempts are such a sign. they are trying to give the world every possible chance to let them know that there is a place for them in it. When they finally do succeed it has been a long thought out and well practiced act. There is nothing temporary about the problem. No release from the suffering can be seen and they have given ample opportunity for that release to manifest. Thus why should they have to justify their actions to anyone but themselves?