Originally posted by Pragma
Honestly, they didn't know who it was when they targetted an IP. It's not like they can go "Yea, this one's a 50 year old widow. Add her. Oh, skip that one, it's a 12 year old on her mom's computer."
And I really doubt that the "service fee" that's paid is to download music. I think she means her ISP fee.
Yes, this is bad publicity for the RIAA, but they're well within their rights to target this girl.
It's true that they were just targeting to IP but what this is is a very clear example of why these subpoena's are so stupid in the first place. They have no idea who they are targeting, the IP they sue might not even be a person, could be a program. You can't just sue everyone and any company that has enough power to start sueing everyone is way way out of control. The RIAA sounds like a joke to me, everyday they come closer and closer to 1984 big brother. Sure the people stole music, added and abeded that crime if you hear an mp3 playing loudly in someones car, now YOUR a criminal, where does it stop?