It has nbeen scientifically proven that the belief that healing takes place will actually promote healing. You see the human body and the human mind are marvelous things. They have an incredible ability to self repair. If a person is given a placebo drug they usually get better quicker than someone who didnt take the placebo. That is one of the reasons why modern day doctors dish out antibiotics so easily. There is no scientific evidence that it is the antibiotics that help and not just the individual getting better over time. So these Budhists who hug the stone for healing will actually heal faster and better if they believe it. There are numerous other examples ranging from reiki to meditation. This same principle is also applied to the reverse. The Australian Aboriginals have a saying "Pointing the bone". The witchdoctors would point a bone at someone and within a few days they would die everytime. The aboriginals would believe they were going to die which caused their bodies to secrete a whole heap of hormones to cope with the stress which would eventually kill them. There nis therefor a biological explanation for it. Basically they body soul and mind are closely interlinked. One aspect can effect the others. he belief that healing or damage is being done actually selffullfills the belief. So it is not superstition but a way of utilising our full potential.