Holy shit, did you seriously write that whole thing without paragraphs? I could barely read it and understand wtf was going on when it was fixed and in paragraph style. You don't sound too old, so just take my advice here, I know you really didn't like M, you just wanted a piece. Don't deny it, you know it's true, anyone who denies it is BS'ing themselves at this age. So anyway, if you're not gettin some or you're getting punked one way or another by a girl, fawk em, there will always be more ho's around

Good luck man, and if you are having trouble meeting girls I have a little advice for you. I know it sounds gay, but dress yourself up a bit, wear nicer clothes (AF, GAP, Jcrew) and get a trendy haircut. Sure its super trendy and really really superficial, but it helps a ton

and all you need is a piece anyway so who cares, let the best man win. Good luck man, I was in basically the same position as you for a while too.