Originally posted by lurkette
That's the other issue: what level of custody is your mom seeking? If you want to completely terminate parental rights, as we did, it's a difficult process. If she just wants custody, it can be easier, especially if you have your sister's consent.
She's not looking to completely take the kid away, my mother still thinks that she'll eventually come round and do the right thing. She just wants a legal right to help make decisions (medical care...that sort of thing) The kid is pretty vocal about his living situation and what he wants to do. I don't think she's going to sign; she's under enormous pressure from her girlfriend to make this ugly.
Thanks, lurkette

I'm sure she'll appreciate it.
Thanks gonadman, for the other side of the story. I'm sorry to hear that about your sister and her kids. Nothing gets me mad faster than a story like that.
We have a couple of lawyers in the family and they've been checking around about family law around here. They seem to think there will be no problem. All I can do is cross my fingers.
I hope this turns out okay and I thank you guys, again, for the comments.