ok, so today I not only brought a banana, to work, in my lunch but I also brought a pickle.
I cannot tell a lie, I actually brought two pickles.
When I was ready to eat my lunch, I was curious to see if any of my food would take on the flavour of the pickles or the bananas. And if it did take on the flavour of one of them, which one.
My lunch did not take on the flavour of the of either the pickles or the banana. This was due to many factors including:
- the rest of my lunch was in a tupperware container thereby protected by a 2mm thich piece of plastic.
- I separated the banana from the rest of the lunch as soon as I got to work so that it would not be in the fridge.
- the inherent conflict between the banana and the pickcle. I was lucky I did not find them both half beaten to death by the time I got to work. They probably cancelled each other out.
- I doubled bagged the pickles to make sure they did not leak pickle juice.
but most of all I think that the reason that nothing took on the flavour of the banana or the pickles is due mostly to my lack of planning.
Had I planned it when I was making my lunch I would have done things different:
- I would have put cookies in my lunch bag. The cookies would not have been in a tupperware container protected from the elements but in a thin plastic bag susseptible to calls and tauntings of both the pickles and the banana.
- I would not have double bagged the pickles.
- I would have left the banana in until I ate my lunch to give it the same fair chance as the pickle to persuade the cookies to change their flavour.
Sticky The Stickman