As long as they are going to charge for every time somebody requests a song, there are going to be people that will find a way to request it once and add it for free to their "librairy"
it only takes a program that dumps the stream to a processable medium like a part of your HD, and you can then rework it into a format that can stay at your disposal all the time...
Seems so far they are just running around in circles. Might be a better idea to abolish the whole system, set up a new tax in every country and use that tax to supply a "wage" for every band that makes music. Hell, offer the song as a free download on an official site & keep track of how many people download it. You can just compare the numbers and give more money to the more popular songs/bands.
Just an idea. Either way, their new proposal will probably buy them a few years, but then they'll be back where they are today
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