Thread: Kid Play
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Old 09-03-2003, 12:41 PM   #1 (permalink)
uncle phil
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Kid Play

A first grade teacher collected well known proverbs. He gave each kid in the class the first half of the proverb, and asked them to come up with the rest. Here is what the kids came up with:

Better to be safe than.................punch a 5th grader.

Strike while the.........................bug is close.

It's always darkest before..............daylight savings time.

Never underestimate the power of............termites.

You can lead a horse to water but

Don't bite the hand that.......................looks dirty.

No news is.........................impossible.

A miss is as good as a........................Mr.

You can't teach an old dog.....................math.

If you lie down with dogs, you.........will stink in the morning.

Love all,

The pen is mightier than......................the pigs.

An idle mind is......................the best way to relax.

Where there is smoke, there's..............pollution.

Happy is the bride who..................gets all the presents.

A penny saved is.........................not much.

Two is company, three's.....................The Musketeers.

None are so blind as.....................Helen Keller.

Children should be seen and not..........spanked or grounded.

If at first you don't succeed.................get new batteries.

You get out of something what you.........see pictured on the box.

When the blind lead the blind.................get out of the way.

Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.
Cry have to blow your nose.
"We were wrong, terribly wrong. (We) should not have tried to fight a guerrilla war with conventional military tactics against a foe willing to absorb enormous a country lacking the fundamental political stability necessary to conduct effective military and pacification operations. It could not be done and it was not done."
- Robert S. McNamara
"We will take our napalm and flame throwers out of the land that scarcely knows the use of matches...
We will leave you your small joys and smaller troubles."
- Eugene McCarthy in "Vietnam Message"
never wrestle with a pig.
you both get dirty;
the pig likes it.
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