how does the pollution move to poorer countries? I saw a study somewhere where the air quality is better after it leaves the US than when it enters just because of the amount of trees and vegatation. Poor countries.... Mexico - they do a shitload of pollution - look at Mexico City. Pollution that comes out of the US would be dropped as acid rain in the ocean. Acidic water hitting the ocean would be neutralized by the carbonates in the water. And with this supposed global warming more carbonates would thrive, creating more basic water, further neutralizing the acidic water.
No I'm not pulling this out of my ass (not trying to sound like a prick here either) - graduate this May with a BS in Geology and Geophysics with an emphasis in Groundwater and Environmental Geochemistry. (and that wasnt' trying to impress anyone - more just justify that I have somewhat of a background in this area)