Originally posted by bermuDa
I'm sorry but I don't feel sorry for this dumb kid; I feel sorry for her parents. A part of going to school is learning how to cope with other people, not all of whom are buddy-buddy with you.
Anyone who wasn't home schooled knows how cruel kids can be, and some of us have even considered suicide... but to act on that impulse?? That's a sign of immaturity and selfishness to the highest degree; and please don't remind me how young this kid was... do you think these youngsters would think it's ok to commit suicide if we dismissed them as deplorable acts of selfishness instead of tragedies? not that they aren't tragedies, but if we spoke more harshly of suicides these kids might not consider it such a viable option.
They want to make a statement? They should do it by living, not by dying. If these kids want to end their suffering, they should talk to their parents about going to another school or home-schooling (or grow a tougher skin), not cause the suffering of their families who now have to live their lives without them.
I wonder if these suicides even consider the lives they're affecting with their pathetic decision... and "they'll be sorry!" doesn't count.
I agree completely. Suicide is the most selfish decision anyone can make and I lose all respect for them. School was horrible (for me anyway) but enough to kill myself? That's ridiculous! Eveyone gets teased, it's how you handle it that decides whether they keep doing it.