Originally posted by bartman
Here in the UK lots of people think we are too Americanised.
To those who make those kinds of arguments, the extreme rebuttal would be:
THEN STOP doing whatever it is that makes you Americanised. What's stopping you!!??? Stop listening to Britney Spears (American artists seem to make up at least half of the top 40 music charts where ever I travel around the world)... stop eating McDonald's (There are often more of them in a square mile in a foreign capital than here in the US).... stop drinking Coca-Cola and sodas!!! (and go back to drinking tea!)..
While you're at it... invent something new... invent something of your own... and if it's good enough, we'll want it over here!
Really.... people have the free will to choose how they live!!!... and it just happens to be, that at this moment in history, American culture is preferred by very large numbers of people. The history of America (melting pot of immigrant cultures, the laws that fostered innovation, capitalism, competition, motivated immigrant entrepeneurs) has resulted in American products being successful.
Those people's claim is part of the whole underlying anti-American thing... and that's a whole other issue.