That's some heavy-duty shit Walson. Hopefully he wasn't a nice guy so you don't have to feel conflicted about ratting him out. That's the kind of thing that people do for the rest of their lives, and it's only a matter of time before some poor kid gets it from him.
The most stressful thing for me in college was running for president of my hall. Biggest hall on campus. It holds about 900 people, and it took tons of time and about $70 to run the campaign. The worst part was, it took time that I should have been spending working on papers and such, and as a result, I had to take an incomplete in a senior level philosophy class. I still have to do that damn paper.
For what it's worth, I lost the election. The wierd part was, losing was the biggest relief of my life. After all the time, energy, money, and sleep that I gave up to that thing, in the end, I didn't even care if I won or lost. I suppose that's what stress will do to ya.
"Erections lasting more than 4 hours, though rare, require immediate medical attention."