Originally posted by ack32
....As far as your injury, I'm guessing it wasn't life threatening or even serious. It's not the government's job to provide everyone with free liability insurance. Sometimes mistakes happen and you deal with them and move on.
I should have saved that for another thread. And yes it was serious and a live changing permanently disability...
but this thread is about the righteous christen republicans that get all up in arms when you move there false god from the court house! They think they can pick and choose what ethics and morals that suit them and toss the others out. Don’t you get it? An American election. For American people. An American political party. American voters. The most money ever to be spent on an American election. And the grunt work being sent to India like it is beneath them to do it here! I interpret this as a slap in the face to the American people. It is pure arrogance! It goes against all they say they stand for!