Originally posted by MrSelfDestruct
Open a DOS prompt and type "net stop messenger"
That should stop any irritating popup spam you get.
As for that page, I reported his ass for Improper Page Promotion/Spam and he should at least get a warning from them, if not shut down entirely.
That did end up being the fix, MrSelfDestruct.
Anyone else that searches this board because of this problem has only a few choices (as I see it):
1. Disable Messenger (this is what I did, I don't use it anyway)
2. Use some sort of firewall software, like others suggested.
Anyhow, I can see how this type of spam could be effective, especially on people like me that know less about computers.
Good thoughts have been sent the way of MrSelfDestruct, and his lot in life will soon be improving. Thanks.