Originally posted by ack32
The unions had a purpose when they were first created. Back then, there were no such novel ideas such as "minimum wage" or "OSHA" to create standards as to health and safety of workers. However, today there are a multitude of laws which make sure that there are standards which must be followed so that people can safely work in a healthy work environment.....
If you'll take a look at what has happened in the mega-consulting companies of India, you see that skilled workers there have been taking programming and call-center jobs from the US for quite some time....
I'll agree that not all companies that move overseas have the high-minded goal of raising the standard of living in foreign countries. I'd say that probably none of them even consider that. But if it happens as a byproduct of trying to save a few bucks, I'd gladly accept making the US poorer if it makes the rest of the world a better place to live.
This is not about raising the standard of living for 3thrid world countries; this is about greed and exploitation. If you have ever been injured on the job and gone through the system you will know the laws really don’t protect you. I have been there. I have had the State of Mi tell me I was correct and blatantly tell they didn’t want to do anything about it. I had lawyers tell me not enough money for them in the workman’s comp case. I had the union tell me the same. The laws don’t work.
The IT departments in India are crying because China is taking their jobs that they took from the US. US software developer = $60,000 India software developer = $10,000. China software developer = 3,500. Do you know where the savings goes? In the pockets of the CEO’s. It is all about greed.
I have toured central Mexico. Some fat cats flew me in on their private jet. We had to land 50 miles away because the locals hate rich Americans and the fat cats were afraid to let them see the jet. I saw first hand what “Free trade” is all about. I was never so ashamed to be an American. Yea, paying them a dollar a day made them the elite of their village but did it really help them? It took thousands of jobs from the US and the savings were never passed down the chain. Local, state, and federal tax dollars were gone never to return.
In India they have a word “Dharma” that basically means doing what is right. We Americans should learn how to do this….