Originally posted by bermuDa
...and please don't remind me how young this kid was... do you think these youngsters would think it's ok to commit suicide if we dismissed them as deplorable acts of selfishness instead of tragedies? not that they aren't tragedies, but if we spoke more harshly of suicides these kids might not consider it such a viable option.
Wow, I cannot believe I just read this. Besides the huge hypocritical statement that was flashing like a neon sign, I am surprised somebody can actually be this insensitive. You don't want to hear how young she is and how she might not have known better, but yet if we spoke more harshly of suicides these kids wouldn't think it to be viable. Hmm, so which is it? Yes you are correct at how cruel and insensitive kids can be. And yes you were an amazing person to be able to survive. We applaud you. But not everyone is so fortunate.
This is a tradgedy. A young girl died. Whether it be by her own bringing or not. She was in need of help. Perhaps she was not capable of receiving it, or it was not given to her. We will never know. What we do know is having a generalization of that all suicide victims are dumb, is just that, dumb.