When I was a very young man, I had the most wonderful advice given to me by an accomplished author while we attended a family gathering. I was also fascinated by how this lady would move about the room from person to person, discussing various subjects and leaving each person she spoken with with a most wonderful impression of her and remarks of admiration for her. I asked her how she was able to accomplish that feat. She took my hand, leaned toward me in a very conspiratorial manner and quietly told me that she had learned, through the course of many years, that while in the presence of others, if she spent her time talking about herself, she was considered a bore. If she spent her time talking about someone else, she was a snob. But if she spent her time talking about the person in frpnt of her, she was the most interesting person they had ever met!
I have utilized that advice and formula ever since and I have never found it to fail!
My suggestion about maintaining a conversation, is to pretend you are a reporter or talk-show host and the person you are with is a celebrity you are very curious about. Interview that person. Glean every bit of information about them that you can and pay attention! Most people are amazingly interesting when given the opportunity to be.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"