driving to the coast, unfamiliar freeways, I don't drive in the bay area much, and don't much enjoy traffic. I'm a city driver. so... goin' down the freeway in the right lane of a 2 lane freeway, and there's this van comin' up an on-ramp. Me, being the overly polite female used to driving a v8 Mustang, thinks, oh, I'll let him get in front of me, it'll be great. not realizing vans accelerate at a proximately the same rate as turtles. so, I slow down to elt him get in front, and he's speeding up, adn we both hit the spot where the 2 lanes merge at about the same time. Oh shit, I'm thinkin'... this is NOT good, so i give my left mirror a quick glance, don't see no one for a bit, and hit the signal and try'n change lanes, pronto. Only, in the time between looking in my mirror and back again, a man in a truck has sped up, and in changing lanes, i almost changed into HIM. He was rather upset by this. honked at me, and flipped me off. and sped off. no one crashed, thankfully, but i was pretty pissed atthis guy who sped next to me when i had even bothered to signal while panicing. So, I'm driving down the road, and the next exit, there's that same truck, pulled over in the shoulder just before the onramp. Standing beteween the trck and the freeway was the trucks angry drivers, who had, it seems ,been waiting for me to drive by, so that he could flip me off one last time and shout mean things. i laughed. he passed me again, and i laughed s'more and waved g'bye to him.