Bermuda i don't think after reading the poem that was apparantly written by jane that she committed suicide with the idea of "they'll be sorry" but instead with the idea that this was the only way she had of getting out of the truly depressing situation she found herself in. She tried the ways to sort her situation out that she knew, she was only 12....what else can she do except tell her parents and teachers? she should have told the teachers who exactly was bullying her but wouldn't that lead to more bullying for "knockin" on ur peers? i know in my school that most of the bullies were the "cool" kids with the friends who hung on to them and not what everyone says, the kids who were insecure with themselves... these bullies always had more friends then those kids who they picked on because it was easy..who would stand up to them? she should have also ignored the bullies, but why should she have been expected to tolerate the constant mental bullying every day at school? not condoning her actions but also feel there are always things we don't know about the situation.
"Never underestimate a dumb question"-- Brandon Boyd