One day a caveman yells for his cavewoman. In sign language he tells her that he is hungry. Then the cavewoman says, "there's a dinosaur go kill it and I'll make you dinner." So the caveman asks, "how the hell do you expect me to kill a dinosaur???" To which the cavewoman replies, "A stick." With a dumbfounded look on his face the caveman says, "Oh." Mr. Caveman (yeah that's right, 'Mr.') then goes outside and grabs a stick that sorta looks like gumby (because EVERYONE knows that's the best kind of stick to kill a dinosaur with). He then dyes his hair and changes clothes before he goes out to find this dinosaur. Mr. Caveman finds a dinosaur with glasses and figures it'll be an easy kill. He succesfully kills the dinosaur, and there happens to be a piece of paper on the ground that some blood gt on to. A psychiatrist sees this and asks Mr. Caveman what he thinks it is. Mr. Caveman says it's a dragonfly. The psychiatrist is astounded by this response and immediatly dyes the cavemans hair and changes the caveman's clothes. When Mr. Caveman returns home his wife has already prepared a dinner of turkey and carrots. Mr. Caveman and Mrs. Cavewoman live happily ever after.
The end.
P.S. - Mrs. Cavewoman was having an affair with the psychiatrist (if you didn't already know).
Last edited by MuTuaL; 09-01-2003 at 06:49 AM..