I don't know if that reply was aimed towards me and the at home comment, but I felt I should clarify what I meant by stateing...
When I say at home, I just simply mean it could have been abuse she was getting there. Sexual, physical or verbal...
I wasn't trying to say that they neglected her...just that maybe she was getting more from her parents then she should have...and no one will know because it wasn't an issue that anyone was looking into. I hope you all also understand that I only mention this because I have been down that road and seemed to be a target for perverts, but I also was taught how to speak up and prevent it. This may have been bigger then school...I am just someone who thinks outside of the box when it comes to this stuff because I am a surviveing victim of that kind of abuse and so it's on my mind when taking into consideration the lives of children who don't have a voice or the knowledge that what's happening is wrong. Or maybe she did know...but didn't know how to tell someone...so instead when that bell rang to signal going home...it meant she didn't want to go home...who knows...anyways...that's the only point I was trying to make about it maybe being at home...not just school.
Smile It makes people wonder what you're up too!