I suppose that the first date options are limited by what city you live in and what there is to do in it. For example the last girl that I dated (to be known as I-330 for reasons of needless pretension) I met at a club here in town, and it just so happened that the same club was having a concert the next day, so because it was a.) the club was something we had in common, b.) so was the music to some extent, and c.) cheap, I asked if she would like to go with me. She accepted and after the concert (a synth-darkwave band so it wasn't mosh pits or anything) we went out for breakfast to a neat little all night diner which provided a nice atmosphere for us to talk. I think all in all I got pretty lucky with the circumstances working out to my advantage, but it was a nice evening. After we ate we talked for many hours and we went to our separate homes, and she called me the next day. So, it worked out. What made that date a success in my mind was that the places that we went had quite a bit of personality of their own. The club that we were at is the only club I frequent here in town and has a charm and atmosphere that I liked, the restaurant wasn't as impersonal as a chain store like Olive Garden and had a lot of personality to it, and because the places where reflections of where I liked to be, I was comfortable and it provides at least a bit of an idea of what I'm like to the girl.
However... (and there is always a however) depending on how much you guys know each other there might not be a need to reflect yourself in your surroundings, but it still couldn't hurt. Just make her feel special. Open the doors for her, (trust me, It goes a long way) let her know she is beautiful, (and she always is) and listen to her and no matter what you do (barring strip clubs and sports bars) she will be happy, and that's what's important anyway.