Originally posted by oldman2003
It's sad that you can't see what the big deal is! Before we worshipped the dollar, people did the right thing. In this case, 3 million american jobs have been lost since GW & party took over the helm. Anyone with common sense (sorry GW this doesn't include you) and a unlimited sea of money could and should "keep it in the family". I'll bet there are at least 10 republicans out there that could have used a job! I just hope this gets used in a 'negative campaine' add on the almighty tv!
"Before we worshipped the dollar, people did the right thing?" Do you know what a miserable job trolling for money over the phone is? How does keeping low-paid jobs "in the family" help the country at all? Now, I'm no big GWB fan at all, but it's incredible to see what a difference there is between Republican campaigns and other parties piddling efforts to raise money.
The Republican party has a systematic approach and meticulous records of people to pinch pennies from, and they are very efficient at doing so. This methodical approach has garnered them a HUGE monetary advantage in fund raising, in all of the races that matter.
I believe that the correct answer would have been, GWB could have saved many more jobs by focusing on domestic issues, attempting to reform the health care system and improving funding for social services, and NOT using it up by expanding our overseas military presence.
Going from multi-billion dollar projected surplus to over three hundred billion in defacit is obviously very difficult, but I'm glad we've got a President who isn't afraid of a challenge.
Maybe if the Democratic wing of the Democratic party is able to be so efficient in fund-raising, we won't have to see how much deeper the hole gets, measured both financially and in the amount of ill-will the rest of the world feels for our country.