It might be a form of "performance anxiety". Yes, I'm serious. If she's so focused on the fact that she's not having an orgasm, it can prevent her from actually having one. This was alluded to in a previous reply, but I thought I'd clarify it a bit.
To work around this, I'd suggest taking steps to make her as relaxed as possible. Pour her a hot bubble bath and let her relax with a glass or two of wine. Follow it up with a slow, sensual massage, making it as relaxing as possible - so focus on those shoulders and her spine...not her tits and ass! Paying attention to her ankles and calves is also a great idea - not a lot of guys will massage down there as a rule; also try her feet if she's not terribly ticklish.
Once she's relaxed, slowly begin arousing her by tracing your fingertips over her body - I recommend starting on her back as it's not overtly sexual when you do that. As she begins to become aroused, work in some gentle kisses over the body areas you've just traced with your fingers.
Things will eventually take their own course, and with a little luck (and a lot of attention on your part) you will hopefully give her what you've been wanting her to have.....that BIG-O!
Good luck!
Last edited by wry1; 08-30-2003 at 04:17 PM..