The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000007f (0x0000000d, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini082703-01.dmp.
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000007f (0x0000000d, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini082603-02.dmp.
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x1000007e (0xc0000005, 0x804f241a, 0xf9ecdcbc, 0xf9ecd9bc). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\Mini082603-01.dmp.
Few more from the past day. They are the same as the other 2 as well... hmmm