The bible is not the Rand McNally or Thomas Guide to life. The bible is a book written in multiple versions by MAN. It’s interpretation of life’s events 2000 years ago. Each man placing his take on the world’s events at the time. While it is a book of reference for societies throughout the ages, it does not provide all the answers. Each culture overlays society’s beliefs into the written words of the time and search for the language of the bible to justify its position of condemn those by the Holy book. While I believe in God you must take the bible for what it is, a book of stories with lessons attached. It is not the rule book with all life’s conditions. Life is comprised of basic elements and some have no logical or scientific explanation. Outside of man the rest of the world’s creatures live by their inherent being. Sure our capacity to think philosophically separates us from those creatures. I went to Catholic school 12 years. Beliefs are beliefs and no one has the right to condemn that of others.
Therefore I say that use the bible as a reference to formulate your opinions if you chose, but remember to temper that with what your soul and mind say. We are all entitled to make our own assessments and decisions on all subjects. When we look to find a reason to condemn another’s choice in life, it seem that this is not the intention of faith. Make all right with your own life and let others live theirs without the fear and ridicule of persecution.
So my opinion on the subject is that it is a personal choice and the world is our place to share.
Living on the west end dreaming of the theater playing in the Metropolis - Dream the Dream Live the Dream