I like WinMx and ...
I think the RIAA should fuck themselves. They are the rich trying to get richer by going after college students. I mean the real issue that caused this mess isn't pirating at all. It's the fact that CD prices never went down (and still haven't). It costs about $.40 to make a cd yourself (given you have internet access and file swapping software). The RIAA expects you to pay $15.00 that's and insane difference. Well here's what I don't get.......Why is it not illegal to have a 2 deck tape player/recorder? I mean hell I made hundreds of copies of tapes and cds back in the 80s. I don't remember anyone getting arrested for copying an old motley crue tape.Another thing a lot of people don't realize is that musicains make a lot more money from tours than they do albums. Basically these lawsuits are to insure that the rich RIAA execitives can get that summer home or the second Bently. They fixed the prices of CDs and created this mess. I think that they made their bed and now they should sleep in it. I mean shit isn't the very nature of VCRs and TiVo to copy copyrighted material. No one is sellng this stuff....it's free.
And yea , I also use Usenet .
Those who can't laugh at themselves leave the job to others.