Originally posted by dragonhawk
Blue Book was just a goveernment front for covering up Real UFO sightings... Even then, about 20% of Blue Book cases were listed as unexplained.
According to much theory I've heard revolving around Blue Book was that it was actually a small, publicized sliver of a mountain of investigation into intelligent extra-terrestrials. With a heavy grain of salt, I direct you to this website which purports to contain genuine documents from Majestic 12:
There's a lot of reading, but each document has a summary so you can skip the stuff that sounds boring. It's at the very least and entertaining and thought-provoking read, and there are plenty of related documents on the site, such as discussions of a crash seven years before Roswell that occured I believe in Missouri, allegedly.
On a side note, for those of you who have been following the
holographic paradigm discussion in Tilted Philosophy, the seemingly sudden appearance of ETs during this time frame should be cast in a much more intriguing light--what with some fringe scientists claiming that a sufficiently powerful nuclear explosion can actually cause ripples in spacetime and violent local fluctuations in gravity.