I don't think its real but onetime2 - i think you're just trying to make it seem to fake yourself.
The fact is, people will have the same perspective as her as will others.
Was saddam a bad guy? No doubt about it.
But people are overplaying his actions every goddamn day. He's now worse than Hitler.
The fact is, most people didn't know what he did except those who were immediately affected. It was true with Hitler - they knew something was up but didn't know what it was exactly.
Hell concentration camps occured within miles of German towns and people didn't have a clue.
Want to know a story? After the U.S. took a concentration camp, they told the citizens nearby to tour it. The bodies were stacked up or dug out of ditches. Naked, shriveled, skeletal corpses everywhere.
Half the citizens threw up, most went through crying, disgusted. The mayor and his wife commited suicide.
They hadn't a clue what had happened.
Now put that into Iraq - unless you were directly affected, you could live a normal life. Iraq *was* the most Western of the nations in the Middle East - in fact, that is why the U.S. supported Saddam in his actions in the 80's. I bet you many special forces agents were in Iraq in the 80's supporting the Iraq military against Iran, selling weapons, and helping the police force crack down on extremists.
Don't twist your views and claim they were in the Baath party or what not. If she is real, then she took advantage of being able to be like what most Western women can be.