Do tape mixes "feel" different than CD mixes?
I first bought a CD-R drive in 1999, and while I've made tons of CD mixes for myself and people since then, something doesn't feel right about it.
It just feels different from when I would cue up my tapes, listening to the last note of the first song to see how it joined with the first note of the second song, figuring out how many songs could fit on a 30 minute or 45 minute side, and then writing them all out on the tape cover...
Somehow some joy has been lost for me in the transfer to digital. Now all I have to do is start a playlist in iTunes and just click and drag.
Before I had a CD-R drive, I would make tape mixes and think about how much easier it would be to do it on the computer, and - more importantly - how much BETTER the sound would be. But maybe there was a bit of charm in the fact that not all the songs were at the same volume (although it drove me nuts at the time).
Has anybody else experienced this?