Originally posted by onetime2
Sorry, but in my book Hillary is very liberal (unless she has really changed her beliefs since college) as evidenced by her writings and speeches. I think she knows that many of those beliefs won't sell so she minimizes them (as all good politicians do).
I do disagree that we are further to the right than we've ever been. All the Clintonites point to GWB's election as proving that he is not the popular choice, yet in the same breath they claim the American public is shifting so far to the right. It can't be both. And, I think we (speaking for all of America here ) were MUCH farther right during the Reagan years than we are now.
I don't know how far out of college you are, but I am alot less liberal than I was then and she has been out of college alot longer than me.
The reason why I feel the nation is more conservative now than even during the Reagan years is that Reagan had a charisma that influenced a great number of people and brought over a large number of conservative Democrats to his causes. If you look at the current administration, it is made up of many Reagan alumni and is led by a much less charismatic individual and we still see a strong influence of conservative ideals spread widely across the nation(this could also partly stem from the success of FOX News and a huge increase in conservative talk radio). Hell, Dean is at best center-left and he is considered a total liberal by many in his own party. The Republican party and conservative ideals are running strong right now and the Democratic party is fraying at the seams(primarily because of a lack of solid Democratic leadership). My thoughts about Coulter are that if she is portrayed as a true thinker, it could be detrimental to the conservative movement.(Obviously, that would not really bother me.) If groups like FOX News continue to prop her up as the voice of conservatism I think she may eventually hurt the party she so viscerally defends. Just like many extreme, wacko liberals have hurt the Democratic party.
I really don't think she is evil or even mean spirited. I think she is misguided. All in all, she is laughing all the way to the bank and what is more American than that.