Originally posted by mml
This being said, most of the wackos on the left are not on every friggin talkshow and do not have bestselling books. Ann Coulter has a great publisist and the ear of the folks at FOX News and that is what concerns me. Most of her ideas are justifiable if you buy the concervative line, but she can't seem to stop herself and slides into complete delerium. All liberals are traitors, all arabs must go etc...
Al Franken, James Carville (on occassion is just as wacky as Coulter), Al Sharpton, Hillary (on occassion goes to extremes but keeps it in check for the most part because she needs to get votes), Susan Sarandon & hubby, Barbara Streisand, the list could go on and on. They get plenty of press coverage and have been at it a lot longer than Ann.
Gotta disagree about her having an effect on conservative politics though since anything that goes a little too far left or righ doesn't play with most Americans. She's a good guest on shows because she throws out some wacky ideas that semi-literate hosts can attack without a script.