Originally posted by Aanyankah
A lot of racism comes from the race who think they're being singled out. It's a viscious circle really.
Yep. You nailed it six ways to Sunday. I'm not racist. I have black friends, Asian friends, and white friends. I would have Mexican, Spanish, Japanese, and Chinese friends if I had ever met one that could be my friend. But when it all boils down to it, most racism arguments that I've been in have been started by the minority. It's sad that the minorities think everyone is against them when in fact they're not. In my hometown, nearly every Black person around uses the fact that they're Black to their advantage. Yes, they actually use the "you just did that becaues I'm black" excuse. It really gets on my nerves. Who the hell cares what color your skin is?
What really gets me is when minorities act rudely in public, moreso than white people, and then use racism as an excuse if anyone says anything to them. At my college, our entire cafeteria is quiet. The "black in-group" will walk in and start throwing food and yelling/screaming obscenities at people and laugh and point at white people as they walk by. If you don't want to be singled out in racism, then don't give a reason to be. And overall, do NOT use your skin color to your advantage, or as an excuse.
If everyone could simply get along and accept the fact that we're all the same then this shit wouldn't happen. That's not going to happen as long as the fucking rednecks and downtown urbans keep up the fight against each other.