I find it really wrong when a guy can't make a girl orgasm. my last girlfriend, I could make her orgasm literally 30 times a minute, after about five minutes she was completely tired and passed out asleep. My current girlfriend even though she has been with a couple guys, none of them ever made her orgasm. Then I come along and ask, and she doesn't know what one is, I asked her about how it was with me, and listed off the chracterisitcs of an orgasm, and she said yes to all of them, and I witnessed it myself, then I asked if she had ever felt that way with any of her exes or even by herself, and she said she hadn't. It feels good to finally make your girl orgasm, especially when she hasn't had one before. There need to be more guys out there like me that have that touch to make a woman cum, there are for too many deprived women out there.