I have always said we need to have people on the extremes to help formulate ideas. It is commonly the radicals, be they to the left or the right, that spark new ideas. These ideas are then sifted down to the center where they become less radical and more mainstream.
This being said, most of the wackos on the left are not on every friggin talkshow and do not have bestselling books. Ann Coulter has a great publisist and the ear of the folks at FOX News and that is what concerns me. Most of her ideas are justifiable if you buy the concervative line, but she can't seem to stop herself and slides into complete delerium. All liberals are traitors, all arabs must go etc...
No, she does not represent the majority of Americans, but she most definitely is having an effect on American politics and conservative ideology.
Conservatives should be wary, take it from the Libs, we allowed to many of our nuts to become mainstream and it damaged what being a liberal or a Democrat means.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams