I have a great friend who's a war gamer; I'm not interested at all, but he dragged me into one once with his gaming circle. It's one of those conquest/strategy games where everybody has a country and spends 1/2 hour making deals and secret alliances between moves. I'm kind of a straightforward guy, so it bored me.
Anyway, I make a deal with one of my neighbors not to attack my border. So, on the next move he attacked my border. I invoked our deal, and he gave me a big shit-eating grin and said, "I lied." Mind you, this is an uber-geek, this is all of life that he knows.
Anyway, it was time for actual "combat:" rolling the dice to see how the battle would work out. I was full of righteous wrath, and I rolled higher than him 11 times in a row, until his army was basically gone (there may be something to telekinesis). His face fell, and he said, "You wiped out my ar-r-r -m-e-e-e..." like I'd kicked his dog. Too bad, little boy (25-year-old-boy), welcome to the real world.