My dad was first diagnosed with prostate cancer. He had it removed and had beaten it. He then was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple years later, even though he had quit smoking 20 years earlier. The lung cancer had already spread to his brain and one of his arms. The arm was quite brittle and broke a couple weeks after they originally found the tumor is his lung. When the tried to repair the arm with a metal rod, he developed a blot clot and died in the hospital when the clot broke free and hit his lungs. From first diagnosis of the lung cancer to his death from the blood clot was about 2 months.
Don't waste any time seeing your dad. While I hope your dad has better luck than mine, it's a little-known fact that folks with progressed cancers often die from complications of the cancer like my dad did instead of the cancer itself.
In retrospect, I think my dad was spared a lot of the agony that would have been coming his way. Without the blood clot incident, he probably would only have had about 6 months, and the treatments he was receiving were painful and very unpleasant.
Best wishes to you and your dad.
I should mention that I have a family friend who was diagnosed with a very rare form of aggressive cancer. She was told she wouldn't be around for more than a year. That was nearly 7 years ago. She's back to work and quite healthy now.