Ann Coulter can kiss my hairy white ass
OK that subject line is gonna get this post deleted, but come on, it's funny. Mods, do me a favor and just change the subject if you feel a need, I really want to discuss the subject.
I watched Bill Maher's show, who I will happily agree is a bit a lune himself. But this Ann Coulter chick is absolutely ridiculous.
They were talking about enforced airlines. She said, "Could you imagine if the Arabs get a hold of that?" That's horrible! Way to go helping Americans show we can tell the difference between a billion+-person race a relatively tiny percentage of psychos. A "learned" "author" should not make a mistake like this. I suppose I should henceforth refer to the KKK as "the Whites."
Then she continued to go on saying liberals have unfulfilling sex and are a generally immoral and adulterous bunch and likened them to Europeans which, I think by context, was somehow intended as a bad thing.
I have two questions for the TFPublic:
1) Does she really believe the things that are coming out of her head.
2) Does she represent a substantial voice in America?