This morning I saw a guy driving like a total asshole in a shiny new Porche-turbo-convertible-tiny-penis car. He tried to pass me on the right (I was only going 70mph), but was thwarted by a big freakin motorhome that wanted the same spot. Tiny-penis-man swerved left, started to slide, then over-compensated. He spun out and hit the wall to my left. Dollar signs flew off the car as it scraped along the concrete divider backwards.
Mr.-Tiny-Penis-Panic-Guy then jerked the wheel left, to try to get off the wall, and ended up shooting backwards across 5 lanes of traffic and into the trees on the right side of the road.
Maybe next time he won't be in such a big goddamn hurry.
Ass, gas or grass. Nobody rides for free.