Rich white male-->Go Bush
Before you read this, I'd like you to know that I use to term "dad" only to let you know who I'm talking about.
My parents got divorced in late 2001. It really wasn't shocking because they didn't seem very compatible. I was surprised they had lasted 15 years and didn't end sooner. Apparently it was suppose to end sooner.
My dad had pre-planned the marriage and was just waiting for the market to drop for an alibi. What he did was transfer $100,000 out of his eTrade account and claimed he lost it due to the stock market. What he did with that money was spend half of it to pay off his debts then lend the other half to his brother. After the divorce he got the money back and put a down payment on a $435,000 house.
There were other strange occurences as well, such as my mom stumbling across a statement that revealed a large amount of money missing. My dad snatched it out of her hand and nothing else was said. He once "punished" me that would certainly qualify for child abuse today. He came across to many as strange and my friends often didn't want to come over because of him. There were a lot of other occurences that showed his (many) flawed characteristics, but it's a waste of time to talk about him any more.
When my parents went to divorce court, he was able to pump plenty of money into his lawyer while my mom was left with a scrub. My dad's lawyer steamrolled and was able to claim all 4 children (though he has a 5th illegitimate kid that he will deny exists when asked about it), he gets to pay child support for only a very short time even though the youngest kid was 8 at the time, and doesn't have to pay for supplies, food, bills etc. for a house of 4 but mostly 7 kids (my mom also has an illegitimate kid who has 3 kids of her own, who I never thought of as a "half-sister"). What did my mom get in the settlement? The littlest kid doesn't have to spend the night at his house if she doesn't want to. And yes, she had to fight for that.
The aftermath is actually quite sickening. A mother is booted out into the job world despite haven't working in 10 years to support 4 kids, 2 of whom are entering their college years whose dad will not help financially to have his kids develop and succeed. The kids have to see him Wednesday and Friday nights, except me and when they to go home, he will actually not allow them to leave which is false imprisonment if I have ever heard it. He often lies to them when they come over; promising to take them golfing, then go to look at houses when they're in the car. The kids loathe Wednesdays and Fridays now and are always happy to come home and coming running to the front door.
But what makes me absolutely disgusted is how he hides behind his "enlightenment" and now thinks he's a religious man. His whole bit is so shallow and comical that it makes me feel ashamed to share any of his genetic material. Now he wears sandles as all posterboy Christians do, attends church (yes, the kids have to go), quotes from the bible, and tells my brother about the virtues of Jesus. All this from a guy whose hobby was watching Striptease with sunflower seeds and asking me to get him a beer. Yet he still leaves very bristly voice mail on are answering machine and chooses to let my mom know all upcoming events like vacations through my little brother, then gets upset with her when the poor kid can't handle the responsibilty. He married a woman named Grace who my grandparents strangely feel the need to endlessy explain how they met AFTER the divorce. Hmmm...
Even with all that, I feel like I've only scratched the surface with the whole situation. This morning I saw him pull up to pick the kids in an impromptu vacation in a brand new $25,000 SUV. I looked in the garage and saw our family van which our 3 driving-age family members will have to share.
By the way, thank you Bush for rewarding people like him with a fat $1,600 check, while my mom gets a fat slap in the face that barely covers a week's worth of groceries.