Ace, my best advice (coming from someone who's had that fantasy fulfilled) is this:
If you love your girlfriend and think you might take things to the next step... then really reconsider doing it.
Chicks get jealous REAL easy. During the threesome they size themselves up against the other chick (breast size, waistline, hair, etc.) and that can make them feel really insecure.
After I had one (which was a lot of fun, mind you), my then-girlfriend got really jealous and kept asking me if I was interested in the other girl.
Although the act was a lot of fun, I don't look back and feel that my life is any better because I did it. So, losing your girlfriend over something that won't mean anything later on might not be worth it to you.
I now firmly believe in "love the one you're with."
Go carefully, and weigh all your options.