Awesome, you guys!!
For now, I'm keeping my car registered back home bc I just can't afford that.
When they figure out that I'm no longer a student (they said it'd be fine for the remainder of the year and then they can drop me or I need to go back to school a bit), I'll go with Keysersoze's Plan B.
Originally posted by lukeduke
Have you ever considered getting rid of your car? My wife and I don't have a car. We ride our bikes or take public transportation. Just imagine the uses you could find with all the money you are saving on car payments and insurance.
Riding my bike 15 miles to work in 115 degree heat? In heels? Hehe. I think I'll have to pass. I'd be one dirty, sweaty mess at work.
Or take a bus and having to ride my (nonexistant) bike to said bus-stop and wait in 115 degree heat and ride with the questionable characters there
OK honestly, I could ride my bike to the bus stop but I'm so damned lazy....
That's awesome it works out for you guys though! Yay for being eco-friendly and all.
Thanks for all your advice, guys!!!
Oh, and I have a 4-door sedan. Damn my bad record!