Thread: Car Acronyms
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Old 08-16-2003, 03:02 AM   #1 (permalink)
Casual... Real Casual
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Location: Orstraylia
Car Acronyms

Car Acronyms

Awful,Crappy,Unreliable, Rusty Automobile
Automobile Causes Universal Road Accidents
All Cars Usually Require Adjustment
Any Child Understands Real Automobiles
Americans Can Underestimate Routine Accidents
Another Case of a Useless Requested Acronym?

Accelerates Under Demonic Influence

By Everyone's Experience, They Last Eternally!
Battered Everywhere; Expect To Lose Engine

Babbling Mechanical Wench
Beastly Monstrous Wonder
Beautiful Masterpieces on Wheels
Beautiful Mechanical Wonder
Big Money Waste
Big Money Works
Blasphemous Motorized Wreck
Born Moderately Wealthy
Break My Windows
Broken Money Waster
Broken Monstrous Wonder
Brutal Money Waster
Bumbling Mechanical Wretch
Big Money Waster
Blasphemized Motorized Wreck
Bastard Money Wielders
Break My Window
Busted My Wallet

Big Ugly Import Car Killer
Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
Big Ugly Indestructable Compact Killer
Built Under Inspection of Cooky Korean

Can't America Make A Real One?

Car Has Extensive Valve Rattle On Long Extended Trips
Crappy Hot-Running Engines, Very Rusted Out, Lose Every Time

Cheapest Heap Ever enVisioned Yet

Car Having Really Yucky Stupid Lazy Engine Runs
Could Have Remained Your Sickly Lame Elderly Relative's

Crap Interior Terrible Road-holding Owned Entirely by Nutters

Dead Or Dying Garbage Emitter
Drips Oil, Drops Grease, Everywhere
Dem Old Dudes Go Everywhere
Dangerous On Days Gears Engage
Death Overcomes Driver's Generous Ego

Detroit's Angry Towards Sneaky Unscrupulous Nips

F**king Insult to Automotive Intelligence.
Failure in Automotive Technology
Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation
Fix It Again Tony? (Gotta say it with italian accent!)
Fix It All the Time

F**ked over rebuilt Dodge
F**ker Only Runs Downhill
F*cked on Race Day
F*cking Over-Rated Disaster
F*ckin' Out-Right Dangerous
First On Recall Day
First on race day
Fix Or Repair Daily
Found on road dead
Forge Old Rancid Donuts
Fraternal Order of Restored DeSoto's
F*ckin Owner Real Dumb!!
For Only Redneck Drivers
F*cker Only Runs Damaged
(backwards) Driver Returns On Foot
Found On Rubbish Dump

Garage Man's Companion
Generally Mediocre Cars
Gets More Chicks
Got More Crap
Got Mechanic Coming

Got Tossers Inside

Helping Out Nips Destroying America
How Odd-No Damn Acceleration
Hell Of a Nice Damn Automobile
Hand Over Dollars to Asians

I Race Other Cars

Jews And Germans Usually Argue Retail
Junk Always Going Under At Repair Shop

Junk Eletrical and Emissions Parts
Jump Excitedly in Every Pothole.
Just Eat Every Pickle.
Junk Everyone Eyes for Parts
Jinxed Engine has Extra Parts
Jumps Everything Ever Parked
JUST Enough Engine Power?

Lazy tempermental device
Leave the doors

Model All Zoids Drive Aimlessly

Most Every Red Cent Eventually Dissipates,
Extinguishing Savings

Mileage Eventually Ruins Car -- Usually Ruins You
Makes Everyone Really Crave Underpowered, Recalled Yugo
Makes Envisioning REAL Car Understandable -- Recalled Yet?
Motorists Easily Rate Car (Usually "Real Yo-yo")

Minus Insurance, No Inspection, Beat, Usually Spraypainted

Most Often Passed At Races
Mostly Old Parts And Rust
Mostly Old Paint And Rust
Making A Zillion Dollars Annually
Mitsubishi's Over Priced American Replicars

Now In Some Shitty Automobile Nightmare
Nasty Import Sucks Savings Away to Nippon
Never In Synch Screeching Awful Noises
Needs Imminent Salvage So Abandon Now

Oh Look Dammit, Some Massive Oil Burning Idiot's Leaking Everything
Old Loose Dented Sheet Metal Outdated By Infamies Like Edsel
Old Ladies Driving Slow making Others Behind InfuriatinglyLate Everyday

Put In New Transmission Often

Please Let Your Mother Out <from> Under The Hood!

Poor old nag thinks it's a Cadillac

Puts Out Really Smoky Carbonate Hazardous Emissions
Phased Out Racer-Still Can't Hold Engine
Please Overlook Really Sh*tty Cardboard Horrible Engine
Pulled Over Regularly So Cops Have Enough

Replace A Beetle? Boy, It Tried
Racy? Ain't! Bouncy, Ball-less Itty-bitty Toy!

Retarded Engine No Acceleration Ugly Lump of Trash

Rolls Royce
Royal Ostentation Lets Lethargic Shits Rumble Over
Yogurt-Consuming Esthetes

Stupid, Arrogant Asshole Babies
Such an arrogant bastard!
Swedish Automobile - Always Broken

sleezy auto breaks leak everytime

Sally Ate Ten Urdu Radishes Nightly

Taking Our Yen Out -- Thanks All
Too Often Yankes Overprice This Auto

The Risk Involving Useless Machinery Pays Heavily
Trembling Ride, Intrusive Undercarriage, Meekly Powered

Very Worthless
"And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking.
Racing around to come up behind you again. The sun is the same in a relative way but your older, shorter of breath, and one day closer to death" floyd
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