Personally, I agree with Angela146. A bracelet, necklace or other piece of larger jewelry is a good gift for what you're thinking of. I would probably say go with a necklace because then you get the "up-close and personal" touch of reaching around her to clasp it at the back of her neck - pretty much guaranteeing that follow-up kiss!
As for your surprise party? It seems you have things pretty well in hand. I'd suggest someplace where all the friends involved will feel comfortable enough to let their hair down - and an art gallery might not be the right place for that. Here's what I did for a girl I used to date.....
I arranged with a (fairly) fancy restaurant for a private room for a small (40-50 people) get together. I then spoke to the hostess who was to be working that night and arranged for her to remember me (we used an asterisk next to my reservation name) so that my girlfriend and I would be automatically seated in that room. The other guests were supposed to arrive about 15 minutes before our reservation, and you should have seen her face when we were led into a dimly lit room, seated at a table toward the middle, and then the lights all came up as everyone yelled, "SURPRISE!!!"
But it's just a thought.