This is kinda about what you guys were talking about. There are actually different types of atheists. To me there's only one kind of atheist, and that person believes that there's no god in any way shape or form. PERIOD. Otherwise, you're agnostic. I just think many people don't like to say that they're atheist because many people think negatively about it. I've told people what I was and they would say, "So you worship the devil?!" Then I respond, "No fucking way dumbass. You'll be a devil worshiper before me because you actually believe he exists. I don't believe in any god so why the fuck would I believe in your devil?" Idiots!
<center>Positive, negative or agnostic?</center>
Atheists do not always assert that God does not exist. There are two broad categories of atheism -
"Positive" (or "strong" or "hard") atheism and "Negative" (or "weak" or "soft") atheism.
A "Positive atheist" will say "God X does not exist", whereas a "Negative atheist" will say "I do not believe God X exists" - there is a subtle but important difference.
Some (if not all) agnostics may also be considered "negative atheists", as they are not theists (there is an overlap between agnosticism and weak atheism). Agnostics (it means "without knowledge") consider the question of God to be unanswerable - there may be a God, or there may not, but we have no way of ever determining the truth of the matter. Occasionally atheists will refer to themselves as agnostics - the term is often more socially acceptable in a strongly religious region, as some theists have an extremely negative view of atheism and automatically assume that all atheists are "positive" atheists.
Depending on the definition of the God in question, the atheist may be either "positive", "negative" or agnostic. Many theists will also have the same reaction towards the deities of other religions. For example, if you give a self-contradictory definition of your God, I will say that it certainly does not exist (like a square circle), but if some group on the other side of the world has a God that I have never even heard of, I am still atheistic towards it as I simply have no belief in it. In that sense, many Christians are also atheists - they just believe in one more God than I do.