I guess I'm a veteran gamer at this point.
My favorite character to date has to have been my Changeling: The dreaming character. It was a very small game, and run with quite a loose anything goes sort of feeling. We called the game "the Knocker game" because both of the regular players were from the knocker kith, and sort of in charge of the other players who dropped in with their slugha, trolls, redcaps or pooka. For those who don't know anything about Classical fairy lore, or Changeling a Knocker is basically fairy who is ether an inventor (very steam-punk) or a miner, and curses uncontrollably.
Anyway my character Ant'ny was a Knockers knocker. This was one of those games where the players dragged the GM around, and he desperately tried to keep up. Most of the game revolved around acquiring materials so that we could construct new things, or defending things which we had constructed.
The greatest work was our toll bridge, constructed in the dreaming (I.E. fantasy land) first we built the bridge, but only a few people came by because there wasn't much on the other side of it. So then we started throwing big festivals on the other side, and people started swimming the river, so we imported the shrieking eels from the princess bride. We also had to fight off the mafia, who tried to steal the thing, build about 10,00 booby traps into it, and hire security and collections.
The whole game was incredible. I still haven't found a game that quite matches changeling for an enjoyable romp. a very unappreciated game in my opinion.
Use the star one and you'll be fighting off the old ones with your bare hands
-A Shoggoth on the Roof