Agreed on some parts, Z. I think that some people find life a lot more difficult and frusterating without meds. I have taken a few different meds in my day and some made me a happier camper.
I also know that it totally sucks to have to take meds every day for the rest of your life as do some people I am very close to. I wouldn't say they are crazy, but it helps keep them on the same level as people around them. It is a basic human desire to want to fit in with those around you. As much as our society pushes the importance of being "you" and being a "unique individual," this only goes so far. By no means do I think you shouldn't think for yourself, but I think interaction with other people necessitates some level of compatibility.
I think the bottom line is that the meds are there to help the person themselves, not to confine them and make them miserable.
An interesting situation arises when the person swears they don't want to take the meds, but if they don't they have delusions of grandeur and believe that they don't need to eat or sleep and that they are "God on Earth." It is impossible for friends and family members to avoid doing everything they can to get the person on meds that bring them back to their "normal" selves. The fact is, sometimes people really don't know what's best for them. It is a royally fucked up situation, but I for one am glad that there are meds to keep some of my friends from killing themselves or merely slipping into a hermit-like lifestyle that shuts everyone out.
I hope this is useful to you as it is something I am very conflicted about, but have done a great deal of thinking about. Cheers Z. Very thought provoking thread.
I hold with those that favor fire.