I intended to send this to a friend.
but i think it belongs here:
An insane person is someone who believes his ragdoll is Bill Gates.
An insane person is sad because nobody likes her pink elephant.
A person we may not understand see visions like myself.
People who are plagued by demons are poor souls who are either haunted or literally plagued by demons.
The spiritual realm is hard for folk to grasp because it is something people can’t get. Out of unacceptance comes fear and a snobbish persona and/or a mind who is set in their ways and willingly deny their chance for mental evolution.
The problem is not sanity. The problem is a society that has declared that if you see life differently we must medicate you.
So sane people say. Take this pill, sure, it will drasticly change your brain chemistry but it helps (shhh be like us or be sedated). Society creates asylums for real insane people who need help but lose their focus and end up throwing anyone who draws outside the lines in a room.
So. Is the person who simply wants you to acknowledge her pink elephant the crazy one, or the one people who give her mind altering chemicals and straight jackets because they are different the crazy one?
A lot of people may think I am being over defensive. But. . . how would you act if I called you shit crazy insane if you told me what you saw but I’m blind so I can’t see it which means you’re obviously nuts?
What is crazy is not the patients, I fear. What is insane are those willing to fuck with someone to make them another unspecial lamb in a flock of sheep.